Our mission is to provide homeless women with the products they need to remain comfortable and sanitary during their menstrual cycles.


We aim to reduce the stigma and discomfort associated with menstruation within the homeless population.

Around America and the world, women are forced to choose between menstrual products and their next meal. At Code Red, our mission is to provide these women with the products they need while reducing the shame associated with that time of the month. 


Using our donations, we make care packages, each with enough supplies to last a cycle. Each is complete with a handwritten note and hygiene products.

Women's Health Club

Women's Health Club is a branch of Code Red. It meets bimonthly to discuss issues regarding gender and helps with fundraising.

Educate Yourself

Issues of women's inequality and lack of access to health products are not often covered by mainstream media, and are rarely topics of discussion.
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