This page is for updates so that you can stay aware of our projects going forward. You can expect to see new posts from members of Code Red regarding our focuses and the work we have done to achieve them. We appreciate your support and interest!

Package Sorting – 4/14/21
In our most recent Women’s Health Club Meeting, we sorted a new round of 100 packages to be distributed around Westchester. In order to adhere to CDC guidelines, the meeting took place outdoors with social distancing and gloves. Each package was sanitized and is undergoing a two week quarantining period prior to distribution. Thank you for all the donations that made this possible!
Package Distribution: Winter 2021
Due to roadblocks we have faced as a result of COVID-19, a few of our projects had to be put on hold. However, thanks to enough generous donations, we were able to order and assemble a new round of 100 packages. To ensure the safety of everyone involved, the packages went through a two-week quarantining process prior to and following our sorting. They were then distributed to the homeless population in NYC by members of Project Share on a few of their midnight runs.