Women’s Health Club


Women’s Health Club is a club through Hastings High School that raises awareness in our community regarding the larger issues that Code Red aims to help. Members of the club play an active role in Code Red through participating in fundraisers such as assembling care packages. However, the club focuses more on the bigger picture as well, from learning about women’s health in other countries to discussing local laws such as the tampon tax that are present within the United States. Additionally, group conversations are another important aspect to the club. Our goal is to get more people involved and create a community of women’s health advocates. Getting involved through the school also opens the opportunity for the club to continue after we graduate. 

Our most recent project has been a zine in which members of the club submitted pages that they made regarding a topic of interest that pertained to our focus. Among the submissions were topics such as menopause, birth control, and personal stories. It is our intention to come out with more issues periodically, tackling a wide variety of themes in order to inform others. The full issue is available here.
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